6:31 PM |
Grade 5 Aquariums |
Ok lots of little issues making things really GREEN...
First the issue..... What you have is microscopic green algea floating in the water column. There are litterally billions of single celled Algae floating in the water to turn it green.
Sunlight is just one source of energy causing the growth...
Nutrients are the other.
Because single celled algae is more effient than duckweed or elodea it will grow as they die.
In addition, it will grow as old algae dies creating a loop of nutrients of dead algae.
Cutting off the sunlight will likely kill the elodea first, duckweed second, and then the algae.
The algae probably came from either the elodea or off the duckweed.
As you change the water and replace it with tap water the tap water will add micronutrients to perpetuate its growth.
Why is my elodea getting lighter?
The loss of micronutrients either not there or absorbtion by the duckweed or algae prevent growth and photosynthesis...Turning the leaves brown
Will the algae still overpopulate in the sun? Will the snails eat it?
No snails will not eat it...freshwater clams /zebra mussels or another filter feeder would.
Why is there white stuff coming out of my snail?
Depends on which end... : ) Could be eggs... Some Snails are parthenogenic meaning they can reproduce with only one snail... Usually egg cases are clear..If the white stuff is sticky it is definitly eggs otherwise just poop
Will the water get greener as time passes?
Yes (sorry) you have to aggressive with water changes and flocculate the algae out (more below)
Will the water turn brown if everything dies?
Yes and No.... It would really depend on how things die and what is left. Brown water is usually a) Iron B) other nutrients and decayed plant matter C) Rotofers and Diatoms
How does the overpopulation of algae affect the mosquito fish?
No but they can take much of the oxygen out of the water and it may get worse as more die and decompose on the bottom
Why is elodea falling off of the stem?
Usually because it is dying (not enough nutrients) also elodea doesn't always live that long so it could just be time... Usually new branches will break off and form new plants.
Why did our snail climb up higher than the water line?
Sometimes it is for more oxygen (they can breath by holding water in their shell and passing air over it) sometimes there may be more toxins / PH changes in the water... Not sure without testing the water
So the possible options are 1) Do nothing and let it work itself out (not pretty but could be educational)
2) chemical treatments that flocculate (bind together) the algea have it fall to the bottom and then do multiple water changes to remove it
3) Lots of water changes 3/4 change every day for 2 weeks with distilled water
4) Start over maybe have better luck next time
Good Luck and Send more picts!!
Mr C
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